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LoRaWAN Device Integration


All IoT devices can be integrated into the Neuron platform using LoRaWAN.

1. Choose Integration Method

In the Device Management List Page, click the "Add" button to start the device integration process.


Select LoRaWAN as the integration method, then click Next.


2. Select LoRaWAN NS


LoRaWAN NS (Network Server) is one of the core components of the LoRaWAN network. It is responsible for handling communication between end nodes (such as sensors, actuators, etc.) and the application server, acting as a hub for data transmission, managing node connections, data forwarding, storage, and protocol conversions (e.g., ChirpStack, Actility).

You can either choose an existing NS or create a new NS.

Choose an Existing LoRaWAN NS

When choosing, ensure that the MQTT server information and data format match the NS's expected data format. The system will subscribe to the data according to the MQTT server and parse it according to the NS's JSON format. If there's a mismatch, the device integration will fail.

Once the desired NS is selected, click Next to proceed to the device twin configuration.

You can quickly search by NS name or type.


Add New LoRaWAN NS

Click the Add New LoRaWAN NS button to enter the configuration page and fill in the NS information.


  1. LoRaWAN NS Name: Must be unique and required.
  2. LoRaWAN NS Type: Choose the connection type (e.g., ChirpStack / Actility), required.
  3. Topic: Enter the subscribed topic. Wildcards are supported, required.
  4. MQTT Information:
    • Required: Enter the Broker URL and Port.
    • Optional: MQTT username and password (if available).
  5. Token: If you require remote control within the Neuron platform, fill in your token here.

Once the NS information is filled in, click Submit. The system will check if the MQTT connection is successful. If there are any issues, the addition will fail. After successful connection, click Next to proceed to device model configuration.

3. Select Device Twins


Device Twins Definition: In the Neuron platform, a collection of devices with similar capabilities or characteristics is referred to as a Device Twin. For more information, refer to 【Device Twins Management】.

You can either choose an existing device twin or create a new device twin.

Choose an Existing Device Twin

Once the desired device twin is selected, click Next to proceed to device registration.

You can quickly search by device model name/type/brand.


Add New Device Twin

Click the Add New Device Twin button to enter the configuration page, fill in the device twin information, and click "Submit" to create the device twin.


Note: The device twin names must be unique. The system will validate the uniqueness during submission. If the name already exists, the creation will fail.

Configure Function Type (Points)

Once the device twin is created, you can directly configure the Function Types under this device twin.

Click the “Plus” button to enter the Function Type creation page.


Click the Function Type input box and select/add a Function Type. For further configuration details, refer to 【Device Twins Management】.


If the device twin has multiple Function Types, repeat the above steps to add more. After configuring, click Next to proceed to device registration.


Device Registration

There are two registration methods: Online Editing or Batch Excel Upload.

Bind Device to Platform Project

Before registering the device, select the platform project it belongs to. Click the Project Dropdown to select an existing project. If no project has been created yet, create one first. For more information, refer to 【Create Project】.


Batch Excel Upload

Steps: Download Template -> Fill in Excel -> Upload Excel -> If errors occur, edit online -> Click Next to complete device registration.

Download Template

On the device registration page, click the red box to download the template file.


Fill in Excel

Fill in the device information in the Excel.


  • DevEUI: The unique identifier for the IoT device, typically the DevEUI on the device. Required.
  • Device Name: Must be unique. Required.
  • Building Name: The building location. Required.
  • Location: The device location. Optional.

Upload Excel

Click/Drag to upload the filled Excel file.


Online Editing

Fill in device information directly on the page. Click Add New to add a new row and continue entering device information.


After completing the device information, click Submit. A confirmation window will appear. Once confirmed, the device will be registered.

Note: After device registration, the status will be Registered but not yet connected to real-time data. The system will subscribe to the reported data based on the configured parameters and clean it for storage. Once the data is processed, the device status will change to Connected and will be displayed in the device list.


Once registration is complete, you will be redirected to the Device Registration Page (shown below is the device data that was just registered). When the platform subscribes to valid reported data, the device will be successfully integrated.


After successful registration, you can view the device information and data in the device management interface. For more details, refer to 【Device Management】.