OpenAPI Guide
Token Encryption Transmission Guide
This guide provides detailed instructions on securely using the RSA encryption algorithm to encrypt tokens (Token) for transmission within our open platform. Following this guide ensures the highest level of protection for sensitive data during transmission between the client and the server.
Detailed operations can be found below.
Token Encryption Process
- Generate Key Pair
Developers need to apply for a token in the platform application. The system generates a key pair, and developers download the token information (including Key ID, Key, and Public Key). This information is used for token encryption, while the private key is used for decryption. - Token Application and Download
- Access Device Management
Navigate to Device Management. See Device Management for details. - Apply and Download Token
Add or download a token. See Token Management for details.
- Access Device Management
- API Interface Explanation
The system securely retrieves the token information and encrypts it using the RSA algorithm to generate a ciphertext. This encrypted ciphertext is included in the HTTP headers of API requests as part of authentication or authorization information. This process ensures confidentiality and prevents sensitive information leakage during transmission. (For encryption methods, refer to the sample code below.)
Sample Code
Common Request Error Codes
Code | Description |
401 | Access token expired, requires renewal |
404 | API endpoint error |
428 | User or tenant does not exist |
429 | User not registered |
500 | Internal server error |
503 | Service busy, try again later |
1000 | Data already exists |
Device Time-Series Data
Device Time-Series Data Push
You can push time-series data from devices, supporting multiple devices in one request. The total data count per request must not exceed 1,000 records.
URL: /dataPlatform/openapi
Request Body Type: Array
Authentication: Header fields (encryption methods in API Call Demo)
Field Name | Type | Required | Location | Description |
X-Source-SecretId | string | Yes | Header | Key ID |
X-Source-SecretKey | string | Yes | Header | Encrypted Key Text |
Array Object Description
Field Name | Type | Required | Description |
time | string | No | Device data collection time |
equipmentName | string | Yes | Device name |
functionType | string | Yes | Device function point name |
buildingName | string | Yes | Device building name (must match the registered building name) |
devEui | string | No | Unique identifier for IoT devices |
value | double | No | Numeric value for the function point (either value or reading is required) |
reading | string | No | String value for the function point (either value or reading is required) |
unit | string | No | Unit for the function point |
Response Field Description
Field Name | Type | Description |
code | int | Response code, 200 indicates success |
message | string | System message |
isSuccess | boolean | Returns True if successful, False otherwise |
Error Codes
For more details, refer to Common Request Error Codes.
Device Details Query
Retrieve details for a single device.
URL: /device/v1/mn/{devEui}
HTTP Method: GET
Authentication: Header fields (encryption methods in API Call Demo)
Field Name | Type | Required | Location | Description |
X-Source-SecretId | string | Yes | Header | Key ID |
X-Source-SecretKey | string | Yes | Header | Encrypted Key Text |
Request Parameters
Field Name | Type | Required | Description |
devEui | string | Yes | Unique identifier for IoT devices |
Response Field Description
Field Name | Type | Description |
code | int | Response code, 200 indicates success |
message | string | System message |
isSuccess | boolean | Returns True if successful, False otherwise |
data | object | Device detail object |
Data Object Fields
Field Name | Description |
name | Device name |
alias | Device alias |
equModel | Device model |
points | Device function points (array of objects) |
devEUI | Unique identifier for IoT devices |
location | Device registration location |
isOnline | Indicates if the device is online (True = Online, False = Offline) |
descriptions | Device description |
isIot | Indicates if the device is IoT (True = IoT, False = Non-IoT) |
buildingName | Registered building name |
Points Array in Device Details - Field Description
Field Name | Description |
type | Device point name |
unit | Device point unit |
bmsId | Non-IoT device point ID |
control | Indicates if reverse control is supported (True: supported, False: not supported) |
Error Codes
For more details, refer to Common Request Error Codes.
Device List Query
This query retrieves all device information accessible under the current tenant.
URL: /device/v1/mn/page
HTTP Request Method: GET
Authentication: Header Field Description (encryption method detailed in API Call Demo)
Field Name | Field Type | Required | Location | Description |
X-Source-SecretId | string | Yes | Header | Secret ID |
X-Source-SecretKey | string | Yes | Header | Secret Key Encrypted Text |
Request Parameters
Field Name | Field Type | Required | Description |
current | int | Yes | Current page |
size | int | Yes | Number of items per page |
name | string | No | Device name (supports fuzzy matching) |
devEui | string | No | IoT device unique identifier (exact match) |
buildingName | string | No | Building name entered during registration (exact match) |
equModel | string | No | Device model name (exact match) |
Response Fields Description
Field Name | Field Type | Description |
code | int | Response code (200 indicates success) |
message | string | System message |
isSuccess | boolean | True if successful, False otherwise |
data | object | Device list object (total: total count, size: items per page, current: current page, records: device data) |
Device Data (records) - Field Description
Field Name | Description |
name | Device name |
alias | Device alias |
equModel | Device model |
points | Device point information (see below for individual field descriptions) |
devEUI | IoT device unique identifier |
location | Device registration location |
isOnline | Indicates if the device is online (True: online, False: offline) |
descriptions | Device description |
isIot | Indicates if it is an IoT device (True: IoT, False: Non-IoT) |
buildingName | Building name during device registration |
Device Points - Individual Field Description
Field Name | Description |
type | Device point name |
unit | Device point unit |
bmsId | Non-IoT device point ID |
control | Indicates if reverse control is supported (True: supported, False: not supported) |
Error Codes
For more details, refer to Common Request Error Codes.
Latest Device Point Values Query
Query the latest values of device points accessible under the current tenant.
URL: /device/v1/realtime/{devEui}/values
HTTP Request Method: GET
Authentication: Header Field Description (encryption method detailed in API Call Demo)
Field Name | Field Type | Required | Location | Description |
X-Source-SecretId | string | Yes | Header | Secret ID |
X-Source-SecretKey | string | Yes | Header | Secret Key Encrypted Text |
Request Parameters
Field Name | Field Type | Required | Description |
devEui | string | No | IoT device unique identifier (exact match) |
Response Fields Description
Field Name | Field Type | Description |
code | int | Response code (200 indicates success) |
message | string | System message |
isSuccess | boolean | True if successful, False otherwise |
data | array | Latest values of device points |
Data - Individual Field Description
Field Name | Description |
time | Data collection time |
equipmentName | Device name |
buildingName | Device registration building |
functionType | Single device point name |
devEUI | IoT device unique identifier |
value | Device numeric type value |
reading | Device string type value |
unit | Device point unit |
Error Codes
For more details, refer to Common Request Error Codes.
Device Point Historical Value Query
You can query the data values of a single or all points of a device within a specific time range. (The time range can only query data within the past week)
URL: /device/v1/realtime/history
HTTP Request Method: POST
Authentication: Request Header Field Description (Encryption method detailed in API Call Demo)
Field Name | Field Type | Required | Location | Description |
X-Source-SecretId | string | Yes | Header | Secret ID |
X-Source-SecretKey | string | Yes | Header | Secret Key Encrypted Text |
Request Parameters
Field Name | Field Type | Required | Description |
equipmentName | string | Yes | Device name (exact match) |
functionType | string | No | Device point name |
startTime | datetime | No | Start time |
endTime | datetime | No | End time |
field | string | Yes | Device point value type (VALUE for numeric, READING for string) |
equModel | string | No | Device model name (exact match) |
Response Fields Description
Field Name | Field Type | Description |
code | int | Response code (200 indicates success) |
message | string | System message |
isSuccess | boolean | True if successful, False otherwise |
data | array | Device point value objects |
Device Data Array - Field Description
Field Name | Description |
time | Data collection time |
equipmentName | Device name |
buildingName | Device registration building |
functionType | Single device point name |
devEUI | IoT device unique identifier |
value | Device numeric type value |
reading | Device string type value |
unit | Device point unit |
Error Codes
For more details, refer to Common Request Error Codes.
Data Warehouse
Data Push
You can push dataset data (fields and data types must match the dataset configuration). Multiple records can be pushed in one request, but the total number of records in a single request cannot exceed 1,000.
URL: /dataset/v1/{datasetName}
HTTP Request Method: POST
Authentication: Request Header Field Description (Encryption method detailed in API Call Demo)
Field Name | Field Type | Required | Location | Description |
X-Source-SecretId | string | Yes | Header | Secret ID |
X-Source-SecretKey | string | Yes | Header | Secret Key Encrypted Text |
X-Param-ProjectId | string | Header | Yes | Platform Project ID |
Request Body Type: Array
Request Parameters
Field Name | Field Type | Required | Description |
datasetName | string | Yes | Dataset ID |
Response Fields Description
Field Name | Field Type | Description |
code | int | Response code (200 indicates success) |
message | string | System message |
isSuccess | boolean | Returns True if successful, False otherwise |
Error Codes
For more details, refer to Common Request Error Codes.
Data Query
You can query data values for a single or all points of a device within a specific time range. (The time range can only query data within the past week)
URL: /device/v1/realtime/history
HTTP Request Method: POST
Authentication: Request Header Field Description (Encryption method detailed in API Call Demo)
Field Name | Field Type | Required | Location | Description |
X-Source-SecretId | string | Yes | Header | Secret ID |
X-Source-SecretKey | string | Yes | Header | Secret Key Encrypted Text |
X-Param-ProjectId | string | Header | Yes | Platform Project ID |
Request Parameters
Field Name | Field Type | Required | Description |
equipmentName | string | Yes | Device name (exact match) |
functionType | string | No | Device point name |
startTime | datetime | No | Start time |
endTime | datetime | No | End time |
field | string | Yes | Device point value type (VALUE for numeric, READING for string) |
equModel | string | No | Device model name (exact match) |
Response Fields Description
Field Name | Field Type | Description |
code | int | Response code (200 indicates success) |
message | string | System message |
isSuccess | boolean | Returns True if successful, False otherwise |
data | array | Device point value objects |
Device Data Array - Field Description
Field Name | Description |
time | Data collection time |
equipmentName | Device name |
buildingName | Device registration building |
functionType | Single device point name |
devEUI | IoT device unique identifier |
value | Device numeric type value |
reading | Device string type value |
unit | Device point unit |
Error Codes
For more details, refer to Common Request Error Codes.